Dylan Green is an RIT alumni/software engineer, He also has some pretty hateful views...
Dylan Green is a known participant in the far right in New York. He is active on Gab, and on his personal Gab profile he has posted content praising the Taliban, saying that Jews are taking over tech companies, and just generally advocating violence and oppression against people who are just trying to live their lives in peace.
He often hides these posts when he wants to present a more "professional" image online, so we have archived the posts here so that people don't only see a fake/whitewashed version of Dylan.
Here is a selection of things that were either posted or re-posted by Dylan Green on Gab, some of which he has previously tried to hide specifically because he doesn't want people seeing it:
- REPOSTED: "[...]We must destory the FBI."
- REPOSTED: "The Taliban is going to ban abortion, vaccines, and gay marriage... maybe we were fighting on the wrong side for 20 years"
- "Despite their evil cause, and their religion being not mine, the Taliban did something based: It banned abortion and euthanasia [...] It just makes you question just what the Americans were fighting for, when we can't even get THAT issue right."
- "I might be deactivating this account for some time. Seeing as I might be about to receive a government job, this account existing could compromise a lot during that time."
- REPOSTED: "It's really funny to me how it's so "taboo" to point out how Marxist Jews are working hand in hand with the Democrat Party and Big Tech [...]"
- "It's August and companies are still in 100% homo pride mode"
But don't take our word for it, take his...

What a perverse thing to find joy in

You have to wonder what "disparaging remarks about women" he made

Using a school shooting to promote transphobic views is a bit edgy

Getting dangerously close to being just an open white supremacist

"We must destroy the FBI." - Actual quote from something Dylan reposted

Completely mask off, so I guess he actually is a open white supremacist now. Bonus points for the Iron Cross imagery.

"I'm pro-family, pro-biology and anti-sodomy" - Dylan on the LGBTQ community

Good to know you have a beef with "many Jewish organizations"

For context Google the Florida "Don't Say Gay" bill

I am getting real incel vibes here

He donated to the Canadian truckers. Hopefully border protection will make sure to give him some "special treatment" the next time he tries to enter Canada.

"Homo Pride Mode"

Tell me more about how "Marxist Jews" control the industry you want to work in

You left out that by opposing gay marriage you mean they throw gays off of rooftops

Nice implication that gays were all raped as children

Doubling down on calling the Taliban "based" and calling homosexuality a mental health issue caused by sexual assault
[ Click here for a PDF compiled by an another source that summarizes a lot of his extremist views ]